“ Pani wala app ” will provide you ease to manage and maintain your water bottle delivery business. Get rid of manual registry on journal and start using fully featured mobile app. The app is built to keep security and efficiency in mind. All your data is encrypted during transfer and available 24/7 online through mobile app. Just login and start exploring. 1. Customer :In “ Pani wala app ” You can create, manage and update customers, view ledgers and update per bottle prices for the customer. Customers bottle requirement frequency can be set with these provided option i.e Daily, Weekly and On-Demand. Customers can be organised into places. 2. Delivery: A user-friendly delivery system is available in “ Pani wala app ”. where you can add bottles at the time of delivery to the customer. System will add bottles into customer account as per price set by you during customer creation. Per bottle prices can be different for each customer. Customer Balances will update accordingly. Delivery cancellation option is available pani wala app in-case of in-correct data entry or human error. 3. Payments: Create bills for customers at the month end or as per your business flows. Bill create option will show you customer current balance and unpaid bottles, you can select All or some unpaid bottles to create a customer bill. “ Pani wala app ” will show you the amount the customer has to pay automatically, no need to input the amount manually. Created bills can be shared to customers. Receipt cancellation option is available in-case of in-correct data-entry or human error. 4. Locations: You can create a location in “ Pani wala app ” and use it for customer grouping. Let\s say you have multiple customers from an Apartment named \Rajput Tower\ you should create a location with the name \Rajput Tower\. It will help you during customer creation and management. 5. Business Profile: Your business profile you need to set up at first when you install the “ Pani wala app ”. This information will be used during receipt prints. The information should be authentic and genuine. It will go along with your receipt prints. 6. Customer App: You can send “ Pani wala app ” links to your customers. Customers are able to view their billing and delivery history. 7. Rider App: You can create riders in “ Pani wala app ”. Riders can install app and make deliveries through mobile app. Riders can only view data and make deliveries. 8. Customer Products: You can create more than one product in the “ Pani wala app ” for a customer. Products can be 19-ltr bottle or 13-ltr bottle and more options available to select. Products can have separate pricing and frequency different for each customer based on their requirements. 9. Customer Security Deposit: In “ Pani wala app ” You can add a one-time security deposit for a customer. A receipt for a security deposit can also be printed for sharing with customers. Security deposit return option can be used to return a security deposit. “ Pani wala app ” is designed on new Android design system guidelines, Material Design and best practices recommended by Google. User-Experience is a key feature to keep in mind to deliver optimal app experience. Give it a try to manage and maintain your water bottle delivery business hassle free. Thanks