√ Secure your connection to the cloud through our VPN service
√ Unblock any blocked websites through our anonymous VPN proxy
√ On-demand always-on VPN to protect you when you need it.
DATA USAGE - Get insights into your data usage with our Data Plan tracker. Track your usage on important trips and check your connection speed right in the app.
SECURITY AND PRIVACY - Protect your privacy and route your traffic through our VPN proxy. Encrypt your traffic and shield your data from prying eyes when on a public hotspot. Assigns your computer a new IP address and hides your real IP address. Get a secure connection for every app you use - SECURE ALL YOUR NETWORK COMMUNICATION.
UNBLOCK THE WEB - Anonymously connect to the web and get past any blocked content and services like Facebook, Skype, YouTube and more.
FAST - Geographically distributed VPN servers make sure you have the fastest connection wherever you are.