Weather Uzbekistan 1.0.2

Rudy huang

About Weather Uzbekistan 1.0.2

Uzbekistan weather forecast including high and low temperatures,wind speed, cloud speed and humidity.
this app cover the major cities of Uzbekistan City: Tashkent,Namangan,Samarkand,Andijan,Bukhara,Nukus,Qarshi,Kokand,Chirchiq,Fergana, etc.

- Simple and clean user interface.
- More than 60 places and cities in Uzbekistan.
- Detailed current weather information.
- Different color for different weather.
- After weather data is cached, forecast can be viewed offline.
- Show you next 6 days forecast.
- Cities can be easy added to home page.
- Multi-language support, i will be useful while you travelling in Uzbekistan.
Ob-havo O'zbekistonda
bepul O'zbekistonda ob-havo
yuqori va past harorat, shamol tezligi, bulut tezlik va namlik, shu jumladan, O'zbekiston ob kiritish.
boshqalar Toshkent, Namangan, Samarqand, Andijon, Buxoro, Nukus, Qarshi, Qo'qon, Chirchiq, Farg'ona, bu App O'zbekiston Siti asosiy shaharlarni qamrab

- Oddiy va toza foydalanuvchi interfeysi.
- O'zbekistonda 60 dan ortiq joylar va shaharlar.
- Joriy ob-havo ma'lumotlarni Mukammal.
- Turli ob-havo uchun turli rang.
- Ob-havo ma'lumotlarni keshlash keyin, havo ma'lumoti bilan aloqa kuzatilishi mumkin.
- Prognozi keyingi 6 kun sizga ko'rsataman.
- Cities oson uy sahifasiga qo'shilgan bo'lishi mumkin.
- O'zbekistonda sayohat paytida bir nechta til qo'llab-quvvatlash, i foydali bo'ladi.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.2

Last updated on December 31, 2016

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Developer:  Rudy huang

Requires Android

4.0 and up

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Same like Weather Uzbekistan 1.0.2

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